Are you taking steps but not taking action?

I usually share my own success quotes here. These are quotes I've used in my materials, talks and live events. Today I'm sharing a chapter from my soon to be published book and method, 7 Days to Wealth. Here is chapter 5. If you would like to read all 7 chapters free, please start here

The fourth step in 7 Days to Wealth is…

(Did you miss the third step? VISIT HERE FOR STEP 3 DAY 3; 
to do these steps in order).

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire.
Take action and do it now.

Are you taking steps but not taking action? Seems like an odd question doesn't it. Well, I find myself asking questions like that. Here's why. 

You may be thinking that you simply need only to complete a few steps and then the Universe will supply everything. Well, the Universe will do a whole lot, so much of what you’ll never see or be a part of; but you still need to do your part.

Want to get what you desire? Plan, take action 
and then trust your plan and your actions; 
that should be your “action plan”. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

BTW: If you are not a connection with me on LinkedIn you may want to do so. Every so often I offer motivational and inspirational stuff for my readers, like this one:

Everyone "wants" something, or should; that is what makes one strive to become better to not only achieve that "something" but also to grow into the person worthy of and capable of having and maintaining that something better!
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You need to take action by “planting the seed” like I mentioned to you in step 2.

But remember, that “seed” could be as small as the effort in continuing with these 7 steps and days in this method, saying or doing something nice (anonymously is always fun) or sharing a smile which then opens doors to so much more. I remember seeing the example in the movie, The Secret, where a woman who chose to ignore the little inconveniences in her morning and chose to smile anyway, was rewarded with a free bouquet of flowers by a florist. It can happen, it does happen and it will happen to you; when you complete these 7 steps and do so as a way of life. (Again, I will share more on this later!)

Are you having a tough time or trial or challenge right now? Know and tell yourself that success (or whatever you want to replace the word “success with) can happen, it does happen and it will happen for me! (Believe it!)
Your “definite” plan does not need to be anything elaborate but it does need to be “definite”; exact if you will. You do need to do “more” than what you’ve been doing because as it has been said before, “if you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you’ll continue to get more of what you’ve already got”. 

Look back on just five years ago from today and see where you were. Now ask are your further ahead today, monetarily or even otherwise, than you were back then. This gives you “awareness” and tracks your successful forward motion. And don’t forget to consider all of the “small blessings” and “small” steps forward that you are now experiencing which is proof that you are progressing to your goals and desires. When you are doing this “five-year check”; don’t beat yourself up, but ask yourself if you continue doing what you’ve done the past five years for another five years, where will you be? The answer, of course, is at the same place but most likely, even in a lesser place. 

Now, after doing this exercise, don’t get depressed to where you become paralyzed in your emotions, give up and stop. You are going to breathe in and out anyway, so you may as well be breathing in and out in the lifestyle you chose. Let’s move on.

Define your goals 
and be definite in your plans. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Let’s make sure we’re in a better place in five years by starting to be in a better place in seven days or actually in three as we’ve already come a long way!
Be creative and write down three, five or even ten things you’ll do to make attaining your desired amount which you came up with in step one. You may want to create “steps” or prioritize your list of things you’ll do and check them off as you do them.

After you’ve completed this step, you are done for today. Then know that the Universe may reward you with your requested amount in absolutely none of these ways that you’ve written down. “God works in mysterious ways” is for certain. If that happens, don’t feel that you’ve done this step for “nothing”. This step is vital in helping you become the person you need to be to attain and maintain your desired monetary amount. This step helps you to “grow” into it. If you asked for a million dollars in step one, for you to get it (and keep it) you need to be worthy of it. Jim Rohn explains, that if you win a million dollars, you’d best become a millionaire as a person and with your thoughts or you won’t be a millionaire for very long.  

“Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, 

but for what it will make of you to achieve it.” 

Jim Rohn

Your fourth step then is to write down what you’ll do for your plan to carry out your desire, knowing that the Universe will honor your work and reward you in seemingly different ways than you may expect. Know too that the word “carry” in carrying out your desires means you need to take action. Writing down your plan is one thing; not take action. As it was written, “Plan your work and work your plan”.

Before I leave you with today’s conversation I will share with you something about “trust” and having trust in your plan. It’s “scary”. Sometimes in bigger ways, if you are going for a “bigger” desire. But guess what, you will become “bigger” when you get your desire; that’s a good thing.

For me, my "scary" is devoting time to creating this method and publish it to get it in the hands of millions of people who will read it and become better by using it, when I have so many other things that I could be doing. I'm sure you too have the same or similar feelings at times. There are many reasons this should be scary but I can’t dwell on them. It is scary because I have many commitments which require my time and I could be doing those instead of writing to you, but I look forward with the vision of accomplishment!

I have made the commitment to write and complete this method, I’ve made my plan to get it done and I’m taking action. Finally, I am trusting that I’ll be able to do so AND complete my other commitments too. I want you to have the same conviction in getting what it is that you want in these 7 days and 7 steps. 

I share all of that because I know that you also have your life, your life’s path and so many things which are asking for your attention. Be committed, create your definite plan to get your desire (you will no doubt need to continually tweak it) take action and then (this is the hardest part for me, and many others) TRUST your plan!

When you return I’ll discuss the fifth step. Take the time to do well with step four.

Each of these 7 “chapters” is meant to give value on its own. After reading each, you will be equipped to do something to improve your life path to gaining “more” for your journey. Read the chapter several times, take notes in a journal and meditate and really think about what you’ve just read. Share the information or your thoughts with others. These steps can only make you a better person and you’ll certainly be ready for the next and following material.
If the following link is not “clickable”, then the next chapter, “tomorrow” is not yet published. Please be patient and return here to see when it is available or better still, use the contact us form and request Ter Scott’s MMM e-letter which shares updates, ideas and related things you are sure to like. You’ll also receive special and exclusive offers by the author by doing so.

To move to the next chapter, please click here.

How would you like to make a difference in someone’s life, right now, today? 

These seven steps are available free starting with this link:

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Don’t forget to visit each of the 7 articles pertaining to the accompanying step and leave your questions and comments in the comments that follow. I will reply and may even use your questions, comments, and experiences in future updated editions of this course.

VISIT HERE FOR STEP 5 DAY 5; to do these steps in order. (If the link is not “live” the chapter is not yet available, please try later).

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