You beliefs have brought you to today...

Believe better; 
believe beyond your best. 

Be, Being, Been.

Anyone can be a human being, 
but it requires action to be a human “be-ing”. 

Your best day, every day.

“Always think your best 
do your best and be your best 
and you’ll always have 
your best day, every day”. 

Expect more, and get it.

One formula for success: List all the things you do to get ahead in life, to have great relationships, to make more money and your other desires and do this 3 step system:

1. List the things you do.
2. Do more of what brings you more.
3. Review, evaluate and update.

This is a simple system which I share with my Life and Legacy and my Bricks to Clicks Marketing Clients.

"Do more of what brings you more". 

Quote: Peaks and Valleys

Peaks and valleys 
have their place in your life's journey; 
learn from both. 

Is life giving you lemons?

I turn "bad" situations 
into "good" invitations! 

Ter Scott! Life and Legacy Coach

What is the opportunity? 
Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul guy. 

Rules are made to be broken. Ter Scott!

This is one of my quotes that I would use in the area of graphic design, and marketing but like so many formulas, this one too is universal:

“(Marketing) rules are made to be broken, 
but you need to know your reason why”

Success Quote for today

If you are proceeding, you are succeeding. 
How well you do is up to you. Ter Scott!

What would you do if you knew you could not fail; 
because the truth is, you can only succeed. 
Ter Scott, Life and LegacyCoach 

I cannot stress this enough. 
Please write it down and look at it at least 3 times today: 

There is no such a thing as a failure, 
you are a winner and a success. 
To whatever degree depends on you. 

You are already successful.

Everyone is already successful. 
I just help them build on that success. 
Ter Scott, Life and Legacy Coach (3/19/13)

For those who manifest money...

Don’t ask to manifest money; ask to manifest cash-flow” 

Ter Scott, Life & LegacyCoach

No Guarantee in Life. Quote by Ter Scott!

"There is no guarantee in life as far as money, fame and fortune except the guarantee that if (and when) 
you don't do something you surely 
won't get money, fame and fortune".