Living lack and limitations? Talking fear or faith? These quotes help.

In our lives we have adversities and with each comes a seed of equivalent advantage. As business owners, our business is an extension of our self. So when our business suffers from any adversity there is also a seed of advantage. Identify it.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Are you living lack and limitations? Are you talking fear or faith?
Ask what good is going on and get with that.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

We really don’t choose our destiny; it’s already in us
like the tree is in the acorn. We must only accept this
and live our desires.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Most people only dream of how much money they could have
and only live on how little money they do have.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When we live our lives to leave a legacy,
we are a living legacy.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

If you do not or will not “image” it,
you will not hold it.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Don’t wait for opportunity to favor you,
work to meet it favorably.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Dream and then translate that dream
so others too can dream.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Wisdom is not knowledge or experience
but the understanding of knowledge and experience.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

You cannot change, you will not change; unless...

Complimenting others is not only done 
with our words and our mouths; 
it is also with our actions. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Get your dream back, keep dreaming your dream if it’s succeeding, 
or dream a new dream, but keep dreaming forward with action. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Take care of the business owner 
and the business will succeed. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

You cannot change what you do not acknowledge,
 track and commit action to.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When you believe in and understand
the law of abundance,
you will not compete, you’ll cooperate.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

It is better to get wisdom than gold or silver,
which means we should get wisdom
and then gold and silver.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When your desire is to have something,
it’s already yours. You must only accept it.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

It seems darker the further you stray from your destiny;
brighter and clearly the closer you follow your path.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Discern whether situations are caused by wrong action,
inaction or obstacles you must get over
with determined action.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Stop looking at what you used to have,
don’t have and even what you do have.
Be grateful for your past and present but
focus on your desired future.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When you keep faith in your dream
while keeping on your life’s path,
you’ll live your destiny.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When you look back and when you look down,
be grateful as you look around;
then continue forward.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Don’t die with your music, or
your treasures and desires still inside you.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

You’ve been given a gift;
it is the treasure of your desires inside you.
You create your present.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When I read a book, it’s not a race to get to the end;
it’s more of a slower appreciation for the gems found along the way.
Life is a lot like that.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

The wise know when and what to speak,
because words become.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Just as an acorn becomes a tree,
your desire in you moves you to all you can be.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Things change; you can too.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When your thinking is limited,
your life is limited.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

You cannot walk forward
while looking backward.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

When you don’t find others, who will encourage you,
encourage yourself so you can encourage others.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Ter Scott's Quotes about YOUR Destiny.

No one is destined to be rich while others are meant to struggle. 
If your life is a total mess beyond the usual ever present obstacles, 
it is because you are not living your desires and choosing your destiny. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

We must look deeper to rise higher. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Your destiny is inside you. 
This is truth whether or not you choose to recognize it 
and move forward with it. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Write to yourself periodically 
and live the wonder of your words. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

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You can lead people to the facts, but you can’t make them think. More quotes by Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

You can lead people to the facts, 
but you can’t make them think.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Universal Consciousness presents wisdom to all; 
I just try to capture and use all I can.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Success is not “out there”, it is “inside” you. 
Take lessons, get educated and do the assignments 
in your own “you-niversity”.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Look in a mirror. What you see is a reflection 
of your inner thoughts being manifested in your 
face and body. Now, slowly do a complete 
360 degree turn while slowly scanning your 
environment. Everything in your environment 
is a reflection of the “inner you”. 
When you desire a 
different “outer” world, 
work first on a different “inner” world.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

You do not have because you do not express 
gratefulness for what you already have. 
You don’t have to be “satisfied” with what you have 
but you must grateful for what you have 
to be given more. When you use what you have properly 
and with gratefulness in helping self and others, 
you will receive more.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™